Getting things together

There are quite a few parts to get ready before the final case design can be considered.


The auto ATU inductor and capacitor board. The parts on the left are the forward and reverse sensors.


The auto ATU CPU board. I separated it from the inductor/capacitor board.

The tuner was purchased as a kit without the toroids.



The filter board, purchased as a bareĀ board only.



The SWR and Power meter board, purchased as a bare board with CPU only supplied.




The DC protection circuit. This will cut the main power to the amp should the SWR or temperature go too high. It can also control the fan, however I will be using my own circuit for that. Purchased built.




SWR protection board. Feeds back to the DC control, and input protection should the SWR go too high. Purchased built.




Input protection. Attenuator to take the rigs input down, then a limiter to make sure no overshoots or excessive drive get through to the amp. Purchased built.




Transmit-receive switching. Purchased built.




Power supply, more than enough, and a MTBF that should means it is around longer than me šŸ™‚




The copper is 200mm X 100mm X 10mm. With the right airflow and the heatsink, should do a good job if it could be used at full power, and perfect for our limit.